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Counseling Library

No matter your struggle, having a resource to dive into daily helps us all grow into the place in our life that allows us to become healthier individuals.  Our list of preferred resources are books and other items that we recommend to clients and friends to help them begin and maintain their personal health and wellness journeys.


book covers
nonviolent communication (1)
nonviolent communication

Nutrition and Body Image

feed my soul

Guilt and Shame

shame interrupted


sex spiral
way of purity


suffering and the heart of god
body keeps score


anxiety phobia workbook
scars that have shaped me
putting x through anxiety

Workshops & Events

"Created for Connection" Series Event

Attend our next couples weekend workshop!

Join us for our quarterly weekend workshop focused on helping you and your spouse work towards a healthy and happy marriage. Space is limited - register today!

Connect with a Counselor

We're ready to help you apply these resources to your growth journey. Reach out today to talk with a counselor and get started.